Steve Field LRPS EFIAP BPE1*
My Story
Born in UK 1956, living in Bristol
I am a retired Civil Engineer but have been taking pictures since I was 18. This is my release from the pressures and stresses of my working life.
It is only recently I have been able to invest in equipment to allow me to push my limits and abilities. I started with a 35mm film Pentax and loved doing my own Black and White including developing and printing. Now in the digital domain, I find my years learning the basics is still as valid.
Now I have the time, I am exploring different avenues of photography, avoiding the use of photoshop to create "photographic art". All the photographs on this site are "polished" in Lightroom.
I cover events to help local sports clubs raise funds for their development and promotion. Had a couple of images reach the last ten of national photographic competitions which has spurred me on to do better.
I have recently joined the Bristol Photographic Society to improve my slkills and learn from the cream of Bristol's photographers. It is both a humbling and inspirational experience.
Distinctions have followed including my LRPS, but I am not stopping there.